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Hi! I'm Manuel,

I've been working as a Motion Designer for the last 20 years. Employed and freelance. Either way, I love creating things from scratch. Creating new and unique designs and animations, starting with a black screen is magic for me. I think being a Motion Designer is the best job in the world! And Adobe After Effects is my favourite tool for creating.

My first job was editing movie trailers. I got bored and started to teach myself After Effects when version 4 came out.
I got more and more into Motion Design over the years, switched from being employed to freelancing and back a few times, did everything. From large scale projects as an Art Director, leading design teams, to small scale projects on my own.

I never studied design or animation, instead learned everything I know from YouTube, Google, books and Online courses. I think this is the best way of quickly learning things you are interested in. Especially as Motion Design is changing so fast. And it is far cheaper and much more flexible than universities and schools as well.